Werk #7195: Jira: Notification plugin

Component Notifications
Title Jira: Notification plugin
Date Mar 6, 2019
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Enterprise (CEE)
Checkmk Version 1.6.0b1
Level Prominent Change
Class New Feature
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

Check_MK now supports integration with Jira. You can create issues for Host an Service Problems and optional set a resolution on recovery notifications.

In Jira you have to add two custom fields to your project screen as described here.

In Check_MK, under "WATO - Notifications", create a new notification rule and select Jira.

Parameters to set: * JIRA URL: The URL to your Jira environment * User Name: Jira username * Password: Jira password * Project ID: The Project ID the issues should be created in * Issue type ID: The issue type ID * Host custom field ID: The first custom field ID you created in Jira * Service custom field ID: The second custom field ID you created in Jira * Monitoring URL: URL of your Check_MK environment to create hyperlinks back to Check_MK (eg. https://server/site) * Priority ID: The priority ID (optional) * Summary for host notifications: The summary the created host issue should use (optional) * Summary for service notifications: The summary the created service issue shoud use (optional) * Label: Label for Jira issues. If not set, 'monitoring' will be used. (optional) * Activate resultion with following resolution transistion ID: If set, the created issue will be resolved with the configured resolution ID (optional) * Set optional timeout for connections to JIRA: Timeout in seconds, default is 10 (optional)

You need different Jira IDs to open/resolve issues. There are different ways to get this IDs: * Jira_support * Retrieve with the a script (example: project_id):


#!/usr/bin/env python

import requests

JIRA_SERVER = "https://jira.server.your-domain.de"

sess = requests.Session()
sess.auth = (USER, PW)
resp = sess.get("%s/rest/api/2/project" % JIRA_SERVER, verify=False)

project_id = [item["id"] for item in resp.json() if item["key"] == PROJECT_KEY][0]

For issuetype and priority ID use:


resp = sess.get("%s/rest/api/2/issuetype" % JIRA_SERVER)
resp = sess.get("%s/rest/api/2/priority" % JIRA_SERVER)

More information about the Jira API can be found here.


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