Werk #7717: Windows Agent 1.6 Beta 4: new features

Component Checks & agents
Title Windows Agent 1.6 Beta 4: new features
Date Jul 26, 2019
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 1.6.0b4
Level Prominent Change
Class New Feature
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

Summary of the features introduced in Windows Agent beta 4:

  • Asynchronous plugins with 'cache_age' set to 0 are supported now. In previous version such plugins have been assumed as synchronous.

  • The Uninstallation of the Windows Agent doesn't remove 'config' and 'state' directories from the Agent Data directory to prevent user data loss.

  • The start of the Windows Agent may be delayed by a few seconds to allow asynchronous plugins to finish their work. This feature has no effect for normal situation when agent is running as a service, but may be useful to test asyncronous plugins.

  • Now the Agent uses next directories: The Windows Agent installs own binary files in the directory "Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service" For user and bakery data the Windows Agent uses the directory "ProgramData\checkmk\agent"

  • The macroses used in the configuration files had been renamed $BUILTIN_AGENT_PATH$ -> is C:/Program Files(x86)/checkmk/service/ $BUILTIN_PLUGINS_PATH$ -> is C:/Program Files(x86)/checkmk/service/plugins $CUSTOM_AGENT_PATH$ -> is C:/ProgramData/checkmk/agent/ $CUSTOM_PLUGINS_PATH$ -> is C:/ProgramData/checkmk/agent/plugins $CUSTOM_LOCAL_PATH$ -> is C:/ProgramData/checkmk/agent/local

  • The logfile check_mk.log have been moved to the "ProgramData/checkmk/agent/log" directory

  • The configuration files check_mk.user.yml and check_mk.yml had been revised, cleaned of old and unused data and better documented.

  • The default timeout for all plugins is set to 60 seconds, previously the timeout was set to 30.

  • Now all names in any yml configuration file with the leading underscore are considered invalid and skipped from the output when the command showconfig is used.

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