Check manual page of vxvm_objstatus

Veritas VxVM: Status of Objects

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
License GPLv2
Supported Agents Hpux Linux
This check is used to track the status of objects in Veritas VxVM. Currently, it can only track the status of v - Volume level objects. It will be OK if a volume is an active status, or if it was dismounted/stopped cleanly by admin action. If any other status is detected, it will go to CRIT.

If a diskgroup goes to disabled by catastrophic failure or admin error, the check can no longer report the volume status, as the volumes as objects become unavailable.

The check should be extensible for tracking status in multiple layers.

You need to install the agent plug-in vxvm.


Name of the diskgroup


One service is created for each volume in the volume manager. Layered volumes {v2} are included. If you do not need data on these use {ignored_services} to exclude them from monitoring.