Werk #10151: mssql: Sanitize mssql ini file name

Komponente Checks & agents
Titel mssql: Sanitize mssql ini file name
Datum 09.10.2019
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk-Version 1.5.0p23 1.6.0p5 2.0.0i1
Level Kleine Änderung
Klasse Bugfix
Kompatibilität Inkompatibel - Manuelle Interaktion könnte erforderlich sein

If the instance name contained a backslash, the ini-files path was wrongly considered to contain a subdirectory. When using the agent bakery, this lead to missing plugins in the deployed agents.

We now replace "\" and "," by "_"; such that the instance "FOO\Bar,5038" will create the file "mssql_FOO_Bar_5038.ini", instead of "Bar,5038.ini" in the folder "mssql_FOO".

Users that manually adopted to the previous behaviour, should redeploy the plugin and move the file accordingly.

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