Werk #5505: Multiple formats for Agent Updater executable on Linux
Komponente | Agent bakery | ||||||
Titel | Multiple formats for Agent Updater executable on Linux | ||||||
Datum | 16.07.2018 | ||||||
Level | Bedeutende Änderung | ||||||
Klasse | Neues Feature | ||||||
Kompatibilität | Kompatibel - benötigt kein manuelles Eingreifen | ||||||
Checkmk versions & editions |
Since Check_MK 1.5.0i2, the Linux Agent Updater executable (cmk-update-agent) got deployed as a 64bit binary executable file, see Werk #5267 for details.
After regarding some customer feedback, we decided to bring back the cmk-update-agent python script to Check_MK and additionally offer a 32bit binary executable format. As a result, you can now choose between 3 executable formats for the cmk-update-agent executable to be deployed by configuring the entry "Executable format (Linux/UNIX)" within the Agent Updater ruleset: "64bit ELF executable", "32bit ELF executable" and "Python2 script", with 64bit executable being the default if no rule entry is configured. Additionally, the rule entry will be ignored on Windows hosts, so there is no need to manually exclude your Windows hosts from a ruleset.
Please note that the deployment of the Python2 script may bring back some old problems (for details, see again Werk #5267) and hence we can offer no support for troubleshooting while deploying the Agent Updater as a script. However, a mail to feedback@checkmk.com is much appreciated.