Werk #14121: KUBE: Import annotations as host labels

Component Checks & agents
Title KUBE: Import annotations as host labels
Date Apr 28, 2022
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 2.1.0b8 2.2.0b1
Level Trivial Change
Class New Feature
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

By default, Checkmk does not import Kubernetes annotations. With this werk, this bevaviour can be configured via the option Import annotations as host labels in the rule Kubernetes. The option allows importing any Kubernetes annotation that is a valid Kubernetes label. These imported annotations are added as host labels to their respective piggyback host using the syntax cmk/kubernetes/annotation/{key}:{value}. You can further restrict the imported annotations by specifying a pattern which Checkmk searches for in the key of the annotation.

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