Check-Manual von alcatel_temp_aos7

Alcatel Switches (>=AOS7): Board Temperatures

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
Lizenz GPLv2
Unterstützte Agenten SNMP
This check monitors board temperatures of the following Alcatel switches running the specified operating system release versions:

- OmniSwitch 6860E-P48: AOS Service Release

- OmniSwitch 6900-X20: AOS Service Release

- OmniSwitch 6900-T40: AOS Service Release

- OmniSwitch 10K: AOS Service Release

operating system AOS7 or higher and supporting the ALCATEL-IND1-CHASSIS-MIB (version for >=AOS7).

Considered board temperatures are

- control module boards (CPMA and CPMB)

- fabric boards (CFMA, CFMB, CFMC and CMFD)

- fantrays 1 und 2 (FTA und FTB)

- network interface boards in slot 1 to slot 8 (NI1 to NI8)

The check uses the ALCATEL-IND1-CHASSIS-MIB.


The slot index and the name of the CPU. The slot index is optional


One service is created for each connected board connected to the switch.