Check-Manual von brocade_fcport

Brocade FibreChannel Switches: FibreChannel Ports

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
Lizenz GPLv2
Unterstützte Agenten SNMP
This checks monitors a FibreChannel port of a Brocade FC switch in great detail. It obsoletes the older checks fc_brocade_port and fc_brocade_port_detailed. The check goes critical under the following conditions:

[1] The physical state, operational state or adminstrative state of the port is not as expected.

[2] The current or averaged throughput exceeds certain absolute or percentual levels.

[3] An error counter exceeds its configured levels (CRC errors, Enc-OUT Enc-IN, frames, no Tx credits, C3 discards)

Averaging: This check supports averaging on all counters. Averaging is turned on but setting the check parameter "average" to a number of minutes. In that case the check produces additional performance data for each parameter and all warning/error levels are only applied on the averaged value, not on the current one. This is especially helpful when using levels on the throughput.

Note: The counters CRC errors and Enc-OUT are represented as percentages in relation to the number of received frames. C3 discards and no Tx credits are in relation to the number of sent frames.


The item is the port-number as two-digit or three-digit string (on switches with 100 or more ports) as printed on the switch (note: the SNMP-index of port {00} is {1}!). For ISL ports (inter-switch-links), an {ISL} is appended to the item, e.g. {00 ISL}. This allows you to create rules which select different check parameters for ISL and normal ports without specifying each individual port. Also, if you have configured port names, they will appear in the check item (and thus the service description). This can be turned off.


One service is created for each operational port. What this exactly means can be configured (see CONFIGURATION VARIABLES).