Werk #14308: Fix "Invalid job status None found" message for background jobs

Komponente User interface
Titel Fix "Invalid job status None found" message for background jobs
Datum 25.04.2023
Level Kleine Änderung
Klasse Bugfix
Kompatibilität Kompatibel - benötigt kein manuelles Eingreifen
Checkmk versions & editions
2.3.0b1 Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk Cloud (CCE), Checkmk MSP (CME)
2.2.0b5 Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk Cloud (CCE), Checkmk MSP (CME)

In case a job has just started and did not report any status update or was interrupted during startup the jobstatus.mk state file could be empty, resulting in the message Invalid job status None found in [PATH]".

The handling of this situation has been improved by showing the initialized state in this situation.

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