Werk #4042: Use well define From address in email notifications if none is configured
Komponente | Notifications | ||||
Titel | Use well define From address in email notifications if none is configured | ||||
Datum | 07.11.2016 | ||||
Level | Kleine Änderung | ||||
Klasse | Bugfix | ||||
Kompatibilität | Inkompatibel - Manuelle Interaktion könnte erforderlich sein | ||||
Checkmk versions & editions |
Previously when you didn't configure a From address for you email notifications in {{Monitoring configuration|Notifications|Parameters for ASCII Email}} or {{Parameters for HTML Email}} the email was created without a From address and the local mail delivery agent added that address by using its configuration or some default.
This cause a problem in the new synchronous STMP devlivery for emails, since there a From address is required.
Check_MK does now not longer rely on the default of the system mailer but always falls back to mysite@fqdn, where mysiste is the name of the Check_MK instance and fqdn is the fully qualified domain name of the monitoring host.
If the change in the From address causes a problem in your setup please simply set a From address by creating a global configuration rule in the upper settings.