Changelog (Werks)
The software development of Checkmk is organized in so-called Werks. A Werk is any change or bug fix that has an influence on the user's experience. Each Werk has a unique ID, one of the levels Trivial Change, Prominent Change or Major Feature and one of the classes Bug Fix, Feature or Security Fix.
Whenever you make an update to a new Checkmk version please make sure that you have understood all incompatible changes. You might have to adapt your configuration.
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- #15312mk_oracle: use "${GREP}" instead of "grep"
- #15714Add support for Checkmk Appliance 1.7+
- #15922cisco_meraki_org_sensor_readings: Checks for battery and humidity percentage added
- #15923haproxy: Adapted HAproxy Server State and HAproxy Frontend State rules to be item specific
- #16009HW/SW Inventory: Show icon and tooltip if a data field is kept further on or is outdated
- #16044Keep label filters when sorting a view
- #16222Automationuser login must not open full session
- #16262Browsing man pages from command line
- #16263Broken discovery result if services contained pipe symbol
- #16265Inconsistent Check_MK services for clusters with partial piggyback data
- #16279service_discovery: redirect response header incorrectly configured to an absolute URI
- #16328primekey_hsm_battery_voltage: Fixed parsing of section when battery voltage is not available