Check manual page of 3par_cpgs_usage

HPE 3PAR: CPGs Usage

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
License GPLv2
Supported Agents 3Par
This check measure the

- total space

- free space

of each usage type in a CPG member.

You can define thresholds for warning and critical (0 by default). If there is failed space above a configurable threshold the service goes to a WARN or CRIT state and shows the failed space.

This check uses the 3PAR special agent.


The item is {{SAUsage}} (Snapshot administration usage), {{SDUsage}} (Snapshot data space usage) or {{UsrUsage}} (User data space usage) and prefixed with the name of the {{CPG}} (Common Provisioning Group).


One service is created for each usage type of a CPG member.