Check manual page of brocade_mlx_module_cpu
Brocade NetIron MLX Devices: CPU Utilization
Distribution | Official part of Checkmk |
License | GPLv2 |
Supported Agents | SNMP |
is returned, if the usage in the last 60 sec was above
given thresholds. OK
is returned otherwise.
Please note: Even if the check reports and graphs the CPU Utilization in the last 1/5/60/300 sec, the thresholds are only checked against the value of the last 60 sec. The other values are informational only.
If a module description is delivered by SNMP, the item is build from the module ID plus the description. Otherwise it is just the ID.
One service is created for each NI-MLX or BR-MLX module. Modules with state "empty" or "Blocked for full height card" are omitted.