Check manual page of fjdarye_rluns

Fujitsu Storage Systems: RLUNs

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
License GPLv2
Supported Agents SNMP
This check monitors the state of an RLUN in a storage system from Fujitsu. Supported devices: ETERNUS DX60 ETERNUS DX80 ETERNUS DX80 S2

Note: Unfortunately the MIB does not provide any information about the exact meanings of the state objects of the RLUNs (hex dumps). Following assumptions have been made based on some simple Tests: A0 in byte 4 means "present", 08 in byte 3 means "rebuilding", 07 in byte 3 means "copyback", 41 in byte 3 means "spare is in use" and 00 in byte 3 means "normal state".


The index of the RLUN in the SNMP table (integer). The first RLUN usually has index {1}.


One service is created for each present RLUN.