Check manual page of nfsmounts

Health of NFS Mounts

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
License GPLv2
Supported Agents Linux AIX
This check probes the availability of NFS mounts. The Linux agent sends the status of all NFS mounts, if the command line utility waitmax is available (it is is used to avoid hanging if the NFS server is not responding). The probe is done by trying a stat -f (system call statfs(2)) on the mount point. If that lasts longer then 2 seconds, then the server is considered to be not responding.

When you install the Linux agent manually, please do not forget to also install waitmax into /usr/bin. That file is shipped together with the agent. When waitmax is missing, the agent will silently omit the section nfsmounts.

If the NFS mount is "stale", then stat -f returns immediately but with a size of -1. The check detects that and results in a warning state.

To configure usage levels and whether or not to output metrics use the WATO rule "Network filesystem - overall status and usage (e.g. NFS)"


The mount point.


One service is created for each NFS mounts. This is done by scanning {/proc/mounts}. The file {/etc/fstab} is irrelevant.