Check manual page of postgres_stat_database

PostgreSQL: Statistics

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
License GPLv2
Supported Agents Linux
This check handles the metrics returned from PostgreSQL's statistics functions pg_stat_database and pg_database_size. It allows monitoring of disk blocks read, but PostgreSQL seems to not have a simple "written bytes" or "write IOs" counter, meaning this information cannot be directly monitored.

Instead, the check allows more fine-grained monitoring of database activity by tracking what the queries really do. You can monitor both "read statements" like fetches, as well as "write statements as update/delete/insert. Finally it allows monitoring of commits, which PostgreSQL tracks down to the sub-transaction level.

You can then define levels on the per-second amount of the statements.

This check relies on data reported by the agent-side plug-in mk_postgres


Name of the category and the name of the database


One service is created for each database.