Check manual page of robotmk_pattern_based_kpi

Robotmk Pattern-Based KPI

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
License GPLv2
Supported Agents Windows
Provides information about the status of a Robotmk KPI.

Mapping of keyword status to monitoring state: - PASS: OK - FAIL: CRIT - NOT RUN/NOT SET/SKIP: STALE

Additionally, the service will go stale if: - the age of the rebot result is more than 2 times higher than the configured execution interval. The result is considered outdated then. - the parent test was skipped due to a 'robot:exit' tag.

If a pattern matches multiple keywords from the same test with the same name, the service state is UNKNOWN.

If the keyword status is PASS, the service produces a metric measuring the keyword runtime. Thresholds are configurable.


One service is created per matched keyword(s). The item is a combination of the Plan ID, the sub-suite names to which the test belongs, the test name and the keyword name.