Werk #11406: Improved product version for Windows agent package

Component Agent bakery
Title Improved product version for Windows agent package
Date Oct 26, 2020
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Enterprise (CEE)
Checkmk Version 2.0.0b1
Level Trivial Change
Class Bug Fix
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

Windows product versions are an expression of 4 numbers, with the scheme major.minor.build.revision.

Up to now, baked Windows agent MSI packages only make use of the major.minor.build part, writing a default value of 12345 to the revision part.

The agent bakery now also makes use of the revision part, using an encoded representation of the innovation/beta/patch part of the Checkmk version, that preserves the order of the Checkmk versioning scheme.

It's best explained by an example:

  • Checkmk version: 2.0.0i1
    • Old product version:
    • New product version:
  • Checkmk version: 2.0.0p5
    • Old product version:
    • New product version:

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