Werk #12758: notification replay not working and errors in the cmc.log

Component Notifications
Title notification replay not working and errors in the cmc.log
Date Apr 28, 2021
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Enterprise (CEE)
Checkmk Version 2.0.0p4 2.1.0b1
Level Trivial Change
Class Bug Fix
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

If a "Recent notification (for analysis)" in Setup -> Events -> Notifications was replayed an error message was shown in the User interface. Furthermore, the error message:

invalid signal byte ASCII 76, expected '*' read 76 further bytes: 'oading autochecks from /omd/sites/stable/var/check_mk/autochecks/stable.mk

was logged in the cmc.log if a notification was sent. This is fixed.

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