Werk #14300: Make appliance snapin compatible with Checkmk Appliance firmware 1.6+

Component User interface
Title Make appliance snapin compatible with Checkmk Appliance firmware 1.6+
Date Nov 4, 2022
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 2.0.0p30 2.1.0p16 2.2.0b1
Level Trivial Change
Class New Feature
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

When Checkmk is used on on the Checkmk Appliance 1.6 or newer, it is necessary to update the appliance sidebar snapin.

Previous Checkmk versions displayed the error message

Failed to render navigation:
Traceback (most recent call last): File: "[stdin]", line 2, in <module>
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

in the sidebar snapin.

Background: The Checkmk Appliance firmware 1.6 migrates the internal software stack to Python 3.7 which makes it incompatible with the previous snapin. This change makes it possible to use Checkmk on older and newer appliance firmware.

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