Werk #14562: Prometheus: allow specifying a path prefix

Component Checks & agents
Title Prometheus: allow specifying a path prefix
Date Oct 5, 2022
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 2.1.0p15 2.2.0b1
Level Trivial Change
Class Bug Fix
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

Previously, the Prometheus special agent would use the path prefix as a URL base prefix. For example, specifying the use of the host IP address, e.g., together with a prefix, e.g., my_prefix would result in an API call to


In particular, this behaviour deviated from the description in the Prometheus rule. With this werk, the path prefix is prepended to the API calls instead, e.g.,

Users, which have specified a path prefix, are migrated to the new option Custom URL base prefix, which has the same behaviour as the old path prefix option.

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