Werk #14998: Remove long deprecated flexible and plain email notifications

Component Notifications
Title Remove long deprecated flexible and plain email notifications
Date Nov 23, 2022
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 2.2.0b1
Level Prominent Change
Class New Feature
Compatibility Incompatible - Manual interaction might be required

This change only affects you, in case you have set the global setting "Rule based notifications" to "Off" in your installation.

Flexible and plain email notifications are deprecated since version 1.5.

If you still use flexible or plain email notifications configured within the user profile, this werk will remove this notification option in the usersettings and the GUI. Affected users will be logged to ~/var/log/update.log, e.g.:

"Removed notification configuration from user: MY_USER"

All listed users will automatically be updated to use the rule based notifications. Effectively, the HTML email notifications will be enabled for them. If you want to use a different notification mechanic, then review the notification rules and update them according to your needs.

You can find more about the notification configuration here.

Still existing spool files will be converted to HTML email notifications on update. If a remote site with a version prior 2.2 has flexible or plain email notifications enabled and uses notification forwarding, the notifications will be coverted to HTML email notifications on the recieving site.

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