Werk #15088: Views: Regex in 'Joined column' is now possible

Component User interface
Title Views: Regex in 'Joined column' is now possible
Date Dec 13, 2022
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 2.2.0b1
Level Trivial Change
Class New Feature
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

Now you can use regexes in "Joined column"s. If multiple entries are found the first one of the sorted entries will be used.

These regexes can be combined with macros in inventory based views and are evaluated "AFTER" the macro replacements. These macros don't need to be escaped, all other special characters have to be escaped: ORA $SID$\.SYSTEM Tablespace


  • Choose "Oracle instances" as the data source
  • Choose "SID" with "$SID$" below macros
  • Now you can connect "Services: Summary" of the services `ORA $SID$.(SYSAUX|TEMP) Tablespace` below "Joined column"


These regexes are basically case sensitive. If you need case insensitive regexes you have to add the global flag "(?i)" at the beginning of this regex.


  • From the data source "Oracle instances" we get the SIDs in upper case format
  • Items in filesystem service description are in lower case format
  • Use the regex `(?i)Filesystem /path/to/$SID$` below "Joined services" in order to join the related service column

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