Werk #15115: More detailed output of the "mkp list" command

Component Checks & agents
Title More detailed output of the "mkp list" command
Date Jan 25, 2023
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 2.1.0p21
Level Trivial Change
Class New Feature
Compatibility Incompatible - Manual interaction might be required

The output of the command line call mkp list (without arguments) has changed.

This change is only incompatible for users that use this output in a script.

The command previously only showed a list of all installed packages:

OMD[mySite]$ mkp list

It will now show a table of all known packages, much more similar to the WATO page in the GUI:

OMD[mySite]:~$ mkp list
Name            Version Title                 Author       Req. Version Until Version Files State
--------------- ------- --------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ----- -----------------------------
my_package      1.0     A test package        Checkmk GmbH 1.6.0        None          1     Enabled (active on this site)
another-package 1.0     A nother test package Checkmk GmbH 2.0.0        2.1.0         42    Enabled (inactive on this site)

This change was originally intended to be part of the 2.2 release.

However, up to now the list command was designed to only report on installed (active) packages. In preparation for upgrades it might be helpful to see information on disabled or inactive packages, so we decided to bring this change to Checkmk version 2.1.

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