Werk #15234: Periodic service discovery: Vanished clustered services can now be removed automatically

Component Checks & agents
Title Periodic service discovery: Vanished clustered services can now be removed automatically
Date Feb 2, 2023
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 2.0.0p34 2.1.0p21 2.2.0b1
Level Trivial Change
Class Bug Fix
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

Up to this Werk vanished clustered services could never be removed using the periodic service discovery. We have now added a configuration option that allows users to achieve just that, but beware:

By default we keep a record of vanished services on the node if they are assigned to a cluster. When a clustered service switches from one node to another, it might not be seen on either node for one check cycle. Keeping clustered services indefinitely keeps us from loosing them in this case. However this means that truly vanished clustered services will never be removed from the cluster. If you choose to include clustered service in the removal operation, vanished services will be removed from clusters, at the risk of loosing services due to the described race condition.

If you have specific needs, you can always adapt the services according to your needs manually using the service discovery page.

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