Werk #15466: autodiscovery: Show site changes made by Periodic service discovery

Component Setup
Title autodiscovery: Show site changes made by Periodic service discovery
Date Apr 26, 2023
Level Prominent Change
Class Bug Fix
Compatibility Incompatible - Manual interaction might be required
Checkmk versions & editions
Not yet released
Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk Cloud (CCE), Checkmk MSP (CME)
2.3.0b1 Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk Cloud (CCE), Checkmk MSP (CME)

The werk is incompatible because it removes the 'cmk --discover-marked-hosts' command. We consider this command an internal one. So it's likely that you don't not need to do anything. However, if you need access to this command, please let us know.

Previously, if 'Periodic service discovery' was used with 'Automatically update service configuration' enabled and 'Do not activate changes' activation option, the services would be discovered but the change wasn't visible in 'Activate pending changes' or in the audit log.

This made it impossible to know whether there are any discovered changes that need to be activated and what these changes are.

Now, when changes get automatically discovered but not activated, they appear in 'Activate pending changes' and the action is logged to the audit log. In case of automatic discovery with activation, the action will be logged to the audit log.

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