Werk #15608: Show explanation message instead of KeyError: 'extensions'

Component Dynamic host configuration
Title Show explanation message instead of KeyError: 'extensions'
Date Apr 27, 2023
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 2.1.0p28 2.2.0b7 2.3.0b1
Level Trivial Change
Class Bug Fix
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

Previously, if a folder is moved or deleted, which is in use by a DCD connection, the following error was shown.

09:37:31 ERROR An exception occured
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/omd/sites/heute/lib/python3/cmk/cee/dcd/connectors/piggyback.py", line 260, in _execute_phase2
    created_host_names = self._create_new_hosts(hosts_to_create)
  File "/omd/sites/heute/lib/python3/cmk/cee/dcd/connectors/piggyback.py", line 479, in _create_new_hosts
    created_host_names = self._create_piggyback_hosts(hosts_to_create)
  File "/omd/sites/heute/lib/python3/cmk/cee/dcd/connectors/piggyback.py", line 504, in _create_piggyback_hosts
  File "/omd/sites/heute/lib/python3.11/typing.py", line 2462, in assert_never
    raise AssertionError(f"Expected code to be unreachable, but got: {value}")
AssertionError: Expected code to be unreachable, but got: None

With this Werk, a debugging message will be shown instead.

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