Werk #16581: Automatic creation of labels based on OS information from the agent

Component Checks & agents
Title Automatic creation of labels based on OS information from the agent
Date Mar 8, 2024
Level Trivial Change
Class New Feature
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed
Checkmk versions & editions
2.4.0b1 Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk Cloud (CCE), Checkmk MSP (CME)
2.3.0b2 Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk Cloud (CCE), Checkmk MSP (CME)

Checkmk automatically creates host labels based on OS data sent by the agents on check_mk section. 

  • cmk/os_type: Value taken from OSType line. No label created if line is not present.
  • cmk/os_platform: Value is taken from OSPlatform line. If line is not present, AgentOS value is used instead
  • cmk/os_name: Value taken from OSName line. No label created if line is not present.
  • cmk/os_version: Value taken from OSVersion line. No label created if line is not present.

The following list shows an example of the information that agents send for the labels creation. The source is noted in square brackets.

  • AIX

    • AgentOS: aix
    • OSType: unix
    • OSName: AIX
    • OSVersion: [oslevel -s]: 7100-05-04-1914
  • FreeBSD

    • AgentOS: freebsd
    • OSType: unix
    • OSName: [/etc/os-release (NAME)]: FreeBSD
    • OSVersion: [/etc/os-release (VERSION_ID)]: 13.2
  • HP-UX

    • AgentOS: hpux
    • OSType: unix
    • OSName: HP-UX
    • OSVersion: [uname -r | cut -d' ' -f1]: B.11.31
  • Linux

    • AgentOS: linux
    • OSType: linux
    • OSPlatform: [/etc/os-release (ID)]: ubuntu
    • OSName: [/etc/os-release (NAME)]: Ubuntu
    • OSVersion: [/etc/os-release (VERSION_ID)]: 22.04
  • MacOS

    • AgentOS: macosx
    • OSType: macos
    • OSName: [sw_vers -productName]: macOS
    • OSVersion: [sw_vers -productVersion]: 13.0
  • NetBSD

    • AgentOS: netbsd
    • OSType: unix
    • OSName: [uname -s]: NetBSD
    • OSVersion: [uname -r]: 9.3
  • OpenBSD

    • AgentOS: openbsd
    • OSType: unix
    • OSName: [uname -s]: OpenBSD
    • OSVersion: [uname -r]: 7.4
  • OpenVMS

    • AgentOS: openvms
    • OSName: OpenVMS
  • OpenWRT

    • AgentOS: openwrt
    • OSType: linux
    • OSName: [/etc/os-release (NAME)]: OpenWRT
    • OSVersion: [/etc/os-release (VERSION_ID)]: snapshot
  • Solaris

    • AgentOS: solaris
    • OSType: unix
    • OSName: [/etc/os-release (NAME)]: Oracle Solaris
    • OSVersion: [/etc/os-release (VERSION_ID)]: 11.4
  • Windows

    • AgentOS: windows
    • OSType: windows
    • OSName: [wmi]: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
    • OSVersion: [wmi]: 10.0.19045
  • z/OS

    • AgentOS: z/OS
    • OSType: z/os
    • OSName: z/OS

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