Werk #16882: Fix performance issues when processing performance data (process_perfdata.pl) and missing metric data

Component Site management
Title Fix performance issues when processing performance data (process_perfdata.pl) and missing metric data
Date May 22, 2024
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 2.3.0p3 2.4.0b1
Level Major Change
Class Bug Fix
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

This werk affects all users of Checkmk Raw. You might have perceived a severe performance degradation in Checkmk 2.3.0 and a lot of errors in the NPCD log. This was due to missing RRD packages and thus expensive fall-back computations.

This werk fixes a performance issue in combination with potentially missing metric data, which can result in gaps in the service graphs.

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