Werk #5515: Allow Configuration of TMPDIR environment variable in the context of Check_MK Agent

Component Agent bakery
Title Allow Configuration of TMPDIR environment variable in the context of Check_MK Agent
Date Oct 22, 2018
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Enterprise (CEE)
Checkmk Version 1.5.0p8 1.6.0b1
Level Trivial Change
Class New Feature
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

It is now possible so set the environment variable TMPDIR in the context of the execution of the Check_MK Agent. This can be configured within the Agent ruleset "Installation paths for agent files (Linux, UNIX).

Some agent commands or plugins may follow the environment variable TMPDIR for storage of temporary files. For some reasons, you might want to adapt this path. Namely, the agent updater won't work with a "\tmp" dir that is mounted with a "noexec"-flag. Please note that the Check_MK Agent does no automatic cleaning on this custom path.

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