Werk #6621: Add permission to prevent users from editing "Deploy custom files with agent" rule set

Component Agent bakery
Title Add permission to prevent users from editing "Deploy custom files with agent" rule set
Date Sep 17, 2018
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Enterprise (CEE)
Checkmk Version 1.4.0p36 1.5.0p5 1.6.0b1
Level Trivial Change
Class Security Fix
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

Using the rule set "Deploy custom files with agent" it is possible to select custom files to be distributed with the agents built using the Agent Bakery. As this is rule set may add custom executable code to the agents it makes sense to be able to control the permission for this more explicitly.

If you want to make sure that administrative users can not add those custom files to the agents, you can now use the rule set "Configure custom agent file deployments" to revoke this permission.

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