Werk #6987: Event history: Fix incomplete information when using time filters (eg. Recent Events view)

Component Event Console
Title Event history: Fix incomplete information when using time filters (eg. Recent Events view)
Date Mar 20, 2019
Level Prominent Change
Class Bug Fix
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed
Checkmk versions & editions
Not yet released
Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk MSP (CME)
Not yet released
Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk MSP (CME)
Not yet released
Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk MSP (CME)
Not yet released
Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk MSP (CME)
Not yet released
Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk MSP (CME)
1.6.0b1 Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk MSP (CME)
1.5.0p14 Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk MSP (CME)

An encoding issue would lead to queries as used by the event history to skip files with non-ASCII characters in the first line, leading to events archived in that file's timerange to be omitted. This has been fixed.

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