Werk #7174: Apache: Disable TRACE and OPTIONS methods

Component Site management
Title Apache: Disable TRACE and OPTIONS methods
Date Feb 20, 2019
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 1.6.0b1
Level Trivial Change
Class Security Fix
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

The HTTP method TRACE makes some kind of reflection attacks possible and is not used at all. It has been enabled for the site apache using the option TraceEnable Off in etc/apache/conf.d/security.conf.

The similar TRACK method is not supported by the site apache at all, so it does not have to be disabled.

A lot of guides recommend to also disable the OPTIONS method for production servers. This HTTP method basically reports which HTTP Methods that are allowed on the web server. In reality, this is rarely used for legitimate purposes, but it may grant a potential attacker a little bit of help and it can be considered a shortcut to find another hole. For this reason we also disabled the OPTIONS method.

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