Werk #7202: Elasticsearch Monitoring

Component Checks & agents
Title Elasticsearch Monitoring
Date Mar 20, 2019
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 1.6.0b1
Level Prominent Change
Class New Feature
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

7202 Elasticsearch Monitoring

A special agent and first checks to support monitoring of Elasticsearch cluster, nodes and indices.

With this werk it is possible to monitor the cluster and node states of an elasticsearch instance.

  • elasticsearch_cluster_health: State of the cluster (eg. green/yellow/red), Name, Number of nodes, Number of data nodes
  • elasticsearch_cluster_health.shards: Number of shards in different states
  • elasticsearch_cluster_health.tasks: Pending tasks, Task max waiting, Time out of tasks
  • elasticsearch_nodes: Total virtual memory, CPU usage, Number of open file descriptors of nodes

For each check it is possible to set parameter in the associated WATO rule. Checks for Cluster, Indices and Shard statistics follow soon.

Thanks to Fabian Binder for creating the initial version of the agent and checks!

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