Werk #8101: Take check period into account when computing the staleness

Component The Checkmk Micro Core
Title Take check period into account when computing the staleness
Date Dec 2, 2014
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Enterprise (CEE)
Checkmk Version 1.2.6b1
Level Trivial Change
Class New Feature
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

When it comes to check staleness then the CMC now takes the check period of a host/service into account. When the object is out of its check period then we take the beginning of that inactive phase as a reference - not the current time. The effect is that the staleness value is frozen at the end of the check period. That way checks that are out of their period are not any longer shown as stale - unless they already have been stale when the inactive phase started.

Note: This only works when using CMC. The Nagios core has no information about previous timeperiod transistions so this cannot be implemented there.

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