Changelog (Werks)
The software development of Checkmk is organized in so-called Werks. A Werk is any change or bug fix that has an influence on the user's experience. Each Werk has a unique ID, one of the levels Trivial Change, Prominent Change or Major Feature and one of the classes Bug Fix, Feature or Security Fix.
Whenever you make an update to a new Checkmk version please make sure that you have understood all incompatible changes. You might have to adapt your configuration.
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- #14617check_uniserv: running the active check results in exception "TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'"
- #14618check_mail_loop: if configured to delete processed mails, check_mail_loop would delete all mails instead
- #14620Sets deprecation age for mails sent by check_mail_loop from 24h to 2h
- #15318Fix logging statement
- #15319check_mail: create ec spool files in correct folder
- #15649windows_tasks: Display Correct Scheduled Task State
- #15721Fix wrong edition reported via livestatus in enterprise sites running the Nagios core
- #15722omd update: Fix setting world read permissions on etc and local files
- #16025Update PHP version in SLES15SP3 from 7 to 8
- #16039host_config: add inherited labels to effective attributes
- #16071Notification spooler: Fix ignored timing settings for specific methods
- #16075Notification spooler: Fix possible wrong order of notification processing
- #16233Cease to provide builds for Ubuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster)
- #16287rule_notification: match_hosttag now accepts custom tag ids
- #16292user_config: add verification for contact groups and locked attributes
- #16309Fix error on update if LDAP connection ID contains spaces
- #16311Fix adding of graphs to report via "Add to..."
- #16312Fix error on "Save & go to list" while editing dashboards
- #16313Fix tree of folders snapin filter for statistics dashlets
- #16314Fix error on edit of host or service statistics dashlet
- #16324NetApp: addition of datasource program and check plugins for NetApp ONTAP
- #16329mk_redis: Use REDISCLI_AUTH instead of -a argument in order to hide password
- #16330size_trend: avoid 'infinite to integer' crash
- #16331mcafee_webgateway: Services not being discovered
- #16384notification rule: allow for non builtin service levels
- #16388host: query on mk_inventory no longer causing crash
- #16396KUBE: Fixing Validation Error for ContainerWaitingState
- #16397special_zerto: Error Message in Check_MK HW/SW Inventory
- #16398mk_jolokia: Respect Timeout Settings
- #16400omd restart: Exit Code is 2 on Failure
- #16445HW/SW Inventory: Improve displaying retention information
- #16446Event console: Fix missing customer if configured within rule packs