Changelog (Werks)
The software development of Checkmk is organized in so-called Werks. A Werk is any change or bug fix that has an influence on the user's experience. Each Werk has a unique ID, one of the levels Trivial Change, Prominent Change or Major Feature and one of the classes Bug Fix, Feature or Security Fix.
Whenever you make an update to a new Checkmk version please make sure that you have understood all incompatible changes. You might have to adapt your configuration.
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- #14209BI configuration: Fixed broken preview argument placeholders
- #14210Frozen BI aggregations: Improved performance when rendering multiple aggregations at the same time
- #15260Fixed rescheduling of non-existent service
- #15289mk_oracle: Revert werk 15559, use tnsping when available
- #15291aws: support for us-gov-* and cn-* regions
- #15605mk_filestats: Improve Handling of non-UTF-8 file paths
- #15636Predictive Levels: Show prediction if the value is 0
- #15637KUBE: Support Tanzu Kubernetes
- #15638Predictive Levels: Supress levels for constant values
- #15639Predictive Levels: Suppress levels if standard deviation is undefined
- #15710NagVis: Updated to 1.9.36
- #15911jenkins_jobs: Consider 'Override check state based on last build result' option
- #15912graylog_alerts: Fixed section parsing when transitioning from 2.1 to 2.2
- #15913check_disk_smb: Fix rule transform when updating from 2.1.0p30 and lower
- #15941Fix possible failed notifications on appliances
- #15942Fix default selection of "Tree of folders" snapin
- #15958Custom extensions: Avoid duplicate graphs in the user interface due to 'graph_info.append'
- #15967event console: add site property to the event console endpoints
- #15968host_config: update endpoint now only allows one of replace, update or delete
- #15985AWS agent handles wafv2 rules with ByteMatchString correctly
- #16018activate_changes: improve description for 'Activate pending changes' endpoint
- #16051comments: add site property to the comments endpoints
- #16052time_period: the 'excluded' field can now be updated using the REST API
- #16054custom notes for host and services: Fix multiple note display and fix note search path for services
- #16077Agent Bakery: Leftover packages of non-agent hosts
- #16086Support Diagnostics: Include basic SELinux infos
- #16095hosts: Remove invalid "Remove TLS registration" on host search results
- #16115Improved handling of forwarded syslog messages in the event console