Werk #5829: Fixed calculation of time ranges when using disjunctions in queries.

Komponente Livestatus
Titel Fixed calculation of time ranges when using disjunctions in queries.
Datum 16.03.2018
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk-Version 1.5.0b1
Level Kleine Änderung
Klasse Bugfix
Kompatibilität Kompatibel - benötigt kein manuelles Eingreifen

Disjunctions (Or:, WaitConditionOr:, StatsOr:) were handled like conjuctions (And:, WaitConditionAnd:, StatsAnd:) when time ranges were calculated for the log and statehist tables. This has been fixed now.

Note that the Check_MK GUI does not create such queries, so only people using hand-rolled queries in scripts etc. were affected.

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