Werk #6476: apc_symmetra: Fixed transposed default levels for battery capacity

Komponente Checks & agents
Titel apc_symmetra: Fixed transposed default levels for battery capacity
Datum 06.09.2018
Level Kleine Änderung
Klasse Bugfix
Kompatibilität Inkompatibel - Manuelle Interaktion könnte erforderlich sein
Checkmk versions & editions
1.6.0b1 Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk MSP (CME)
1.5.0p4 Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk MSP (CME)
1.4.0p36 Checkmk Raw (CRE), Checkmk Enterprise (CEE), Checkmk MSP (CME)

You'll need to restart the core for this change to take effect.

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