Werk #16093: Correct link to prediction graphs for services on remote sites

Komponente User interface
Titel Correct link to prediction graphs for services on remote sites
Datum 12.09.2023
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Enterprise (CEE)
Checkmk-Version 2.1.0p34 2.2.0p11
Level Kleine Änderung
Klasse Bugfix
Kompatibilität Kompatibel - benötigt kein manuelles Eingreifen

When using predictive monitoring, Checkmk offers the option to display the current prediction in a graph.

Before this werk, this functionality was broken for services on remote sites. For such services, Checkmk always displayed the following error message: There is currently no prediction information available for this service.

As of this werk, the prediction graph icon links to the site on which the corresponding host is monitored, where the graph will render as expected.

Note that for Checkmk 2.3+, the rendering of prediction graphs in distributed setups is fully supported as of werk 15957, meaning that the icon does not link to remote sites anymore. Instead, the graph can be rendered directly in the central site.

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