Until now the debug mode ("-d" flag) would color the lines of the mk_logwatch output depending on their log level. This causes problems when processing the output, leading to the e.g. maxcontextlines
setting no longer being effective.
To improve the stability of the agent plugin, its output will no longer be colored.
If you need the output to be colored, you can do so via e.g.
mk_logwatch.py -d | sed -e 's/^C .*/\x1b[1;31m&\x1b[0m/' -e 's/^W .*/\x1b[1;33m&\x1b[0m/' -e 's/^O .*/\x1b[1;32m&\x1b[0m/' -e 's/^I .*/\x1b[1;34m&\x1b[0m/'
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