Ideas Portal Guide

In order to continually improve Checkmk, we're looking for your ideas. They provide valuable input to our roadmap discussions and allow us to contact you directly for more in-depth discussions or during development. 

However, in order to keep this platform manageable, we will regularly

  • tag existing ideas to make them easier for users to find,
  • close ideas without traction (e.g. if they have less than 20 votes within a year, or if they haven't received any votes in the last 6 months),
  • update ideas that have actually made it into the product.

A few tips

  • Concisely describing the problem rather than the solution will help other users understand and relate to your idea.
  • An idea should be easy to understand. This will increase your chances of getting votes.
  • Be as specific as possible. Knowing exactly what to expect when voting on an idea makes it a much better experience for all of us when it is adapted later in Checkmk.

Remember that all ideas or comments need to be in English, will be visible to the public and will need to be manually approved. In some cases this may take some time.

The process


We aim to review new submissions on a weekly basis.

We aim to do portal maintenance on a quarterly basis.