Checkmk Raw

Open source monitoring for enterprises and power-users, offering unparalleled extensibility, flexibility and adaptability without hassle or cumbersome configuration.

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Monitoring dashboard in Checkmk

Open source is our core

Checkmk is part of a vibrant open source monitoring community. Since 2007, Checkmk Raw has been an active open source project, delivering easy-of-use and flexibility as an integrated montoring solution.

Star Fork

Enterprise-grade software with the flexibility of open source

Everything monitored

More than 90% of your infrastructure can be monitored out-of-the-box thanks to 2,000+ vendor-maintaned plug-ins. The Checkmk community releases new plug-ins regularly.

Convenient deployment

Checkmk comes in an integrated package so you can deploy monitoring in minutes — no need to configure databases and web servers to get everything working.

Hassle-free configuration

Avoid initial configuration and setup hassle by using auto-discovery and auto-configuration of plug-ins along with powerful APIs.

Made possible by an active user community

Checkmk Raw is made possible by an active user community. Since Checkmk's inception, this community has contributed in ways that have resulted in better technology for us all. There are many ways for you to contribute to Checkmk, so get involved to ensure the world’s IT backbone stays strong!

The Checkmk Forum is our central meeting point. You can get help there, or start helping others.

Checkmk Raw or Checkmk Enterprise or Checkmk Cloud?

We recommend Checkmk Raw for small enterprises or hobbyists running a home lab. It's a great way to get started in monitoring, and it's perfect for small infrastructure.

For rapidly growing organizations with infrastructure and business needs that are constantly changing, or who require advanced automation, we recommend Checkmk Enterprise or Checkmk Cloud.

How a clinic group uses Checkmk Raw in Docker containers

Learn how Paracelsus Kliniken simplified their monitoring with Checkmk.

Get started with your monitoring system in less than 15 minutes