Moritz, Director for Strategic Projects

Moritz Fischer

Please introduce yourself briefly. 

Hi, I am Moritz. I live in Munich, and I am director for strategic projects at Checkmk. Besides working at Checkmk, I am passionate about playing the piano, cooking for and with friends and enjoying long nature walks alongside the Isar. 

What made you decide to join Checkmk? 

Two former colleagues of mine joined Checkmk six years ago. So, quite early on. The path that the team has taken ever since speaks for itself in terms of the entrepreneurial spirit - and the courage to make things happen. Getting to know the team better during the interviews, it felt like an environment where I can learn a lot, contribute in a meaningful way, and have a fun time in a smart, engaged and humble team. 

You are in a relatively new team together with Martina. What is the goal of the executive office? 

Martina‘s and my goal is quite simple: How can we help the executive team members to be the best versions of themselves? That starts with supporting practical things like preparing the All-hands meetings (our monthly company-wide gathering where we communicate important updates and share strategic goals). And ends with decision support on quite some strategic things — like informing a decision on the price point of a new product by market research.  

How do you manage to work together with Jan, Sales, Marketing, Product Management? 

Curiosity to quickly dive into new topics helps. Plus, hunger and mental openness to solve problems that you’ve never thought of before. Paired with what my grandma would have called „common sense“. In German: „Gesunder Menschenverstand“. Last, but not least: a sense of ownership. Because the whole management team has a busy agenda, no matter if it’s the CEO, Sales, Marketing or Product. So, when they need a helping hand, they rely on you to feel accountable to come up with something that gets the job done.

What fascinates you most about your job at Checkmk and what are your tasks? 

A diverse mix of long-term thinking and practical „hands-on“ questions. For example: Where do we want to be in 3 to 5 years out from now? What is needed to get there? But also: How do we get ready in the short-term for a product upgrade campaign over the next few months? At Checkmk, it seems there is no every day. And that’s what I enjoy most.

What is most important to you in your work life?  

Learning new things every day. Knowing that my contribution matters for the team that I’m part of. Believing that the overall mission makes sense and is desirable. And sensing that all the hours of work that I put in there, are an enjoyable part of my life. 

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