Moritz, Software Developer

Moritz Kiemer

Hi Moritz, thank you very much for taking the time for the interview!

Please introduce yourself briefly.

I was born in Munich, Germany, and apart from 5 years living in Cairo as a child, I also grew up here in the surrounding area. After my studies in mathematics, I worked at the German Aerospace Center for seven years.

How did you come to Checkmk?

At my previous job, I discovered my love for software development. However, after this only made up a small part of my work there, I started looking for something else in 2016.
I then came across the website of Checkmk (then still Mathias Kettner GmbH), where they were looking for an experienced Python developer. I then applied and said "if you help me I can become one".

What tools/tech stack do you work with?

We developers are very free to choose our local development environment. I'm currently working with the editor "vim" – but if I ever have time, I'd like to try a more graphics-heavy IDE like VS Code or IntelliJ.

What does your working day look like?

I like to be in the office early in the morning. That way I have time to concentrate on development. During the day there are usually meetings and spontaneous discussions where I consult with colleagues or develop concepts together.
Occasionally there are also discussions with support customers – often problems can best be understood on the customers' systems. Even if, of course, a problem is always the trigger here: As a rule, these are exciting and friendly conversations.
Of course, there is also administrative work to be done in between, such as scheduling support shifts or planning training courses. But I have great colleagues who keep us developers free from these tasks as much as possible.

What is important to me at Checkmk is that….

I find the working atmosphere very pleasant. The cooperation is always friendly and constructive. Compared to other companies, I always notice how nice it is to have a transparent and competent management. The time of the corona pandemic, for example, was characterized in my eyes by forward-looking and clearly communicated decisions.

The best confirmation for me is when….

Positive feedback from customers and colleagues is always nice – especially when you've spent a long time looking for an elegant compromise solution and everyone is satisfied in the end.

How and where do you recharge your batteries?

I'm an enthusiastic inflatable rafter and kayaker. Between Sylvenstein Reservoir and the Carpathians, there is not a meter of river that I don't know 🙂

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