Veronika, Sales Enablement & Support

Veronika Mayer

Hi Vroni, thanks for taking the time! You joined Checkmk thanks to an internal referral and started in our Sales Support Team.

What made you decide to join Checkmk?

A very good friend of mine, Timi, told me about Checkmk (even though at that time it was tribe29) and convinced me that I should apply. After the application process and the interviews, I felt like it would be a place where I could learn a lot from and with my colleagues, experience new things and get insight into a completely different industry. So far I have not been disappointed!

You became Team Lead of a newly “founded” team for Sales Support. How did you manage this and how are you working together as a team?

I am actually still in the process of managing it ;) - It is and has been a wonderful, challenging and rewarding experience. In the beginning of our team, it was Lisa and me building a lot from scratch. (Supported by a group of working students) Last year in April, our team grew by Julia and Madlen. Later, Kristina followed and now in summer 2023 Sebastian joined.

For me, leadership has always been the idea of working together with a diverse team, learning from each other and enabling everyone in the team to live up to their full potential. I am also very lucky to have a team of smart people from whom I can also learn and who never stop striving, teaching, helping and improving! I appreciate a working atmosphere that is full of respect, tolerance and – last but not least – fun.

Do you remember a particularly interesting, exciting or beautiful experience you had at Checkmk? If so, can you tell us about it?

This sounds quite cheesy, but a lot of situations here have been great. I am a pragmatic perfectionist and I love solving tricky problems. Therefore, I did enjoy setting up the new CRM system together with our Ops team and my team as well as continuously improving it. The brainstorming sessions and finding solutions to challenging issues, showed me how great teamwork can be and how rewarding it is to solve challenges.

How do you address individual customer needs and challenges?

I always try to find the issue behind individual customer needs and challenges. It sometimes sounds so obvious but to find a really good solution, you have to understand the problem first.

Do you collaborate with other departments to meet customer needs, if so how does it look like?

I talk to different departments quite a lot, of course in different frequency and depth. F.g. I am in direct and close contact with Sebastian and the SDR team as well as Richard and the AEs. But I also try to understand how the admin team works and gain some insight into the marketing structure. Since I share the office with Walter who manages the Consulting and Support team I continuously understand more about their perspective and requirements. If a customer has a more technical question, I also reach out to Timi and the other developers. All of this helps to understand not just our product but also the customer journey from starting with Checkmk to becoming a loyal customer and hopefully a fan!

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