Meet the Finance & Risk Team

Finance & Risk
Finance & Risk
Finance & Risk
Finance & Risk
Finance & Risk

Open positions in the team

Permanent Full time Remote

Application and onboarding processes

The application process in the finance & risk team

  • Application

    Your application with your LinkedIn profile, CV or active approach from our Recruiting Team

  • Zoom call

    You will have a first zoom session with our commercial recruiter

  • Technical sessions

    You will have professional sessions with the team as well as a cultural fit session with the Head of Finance & Risk

  • Contract offer

    Offer discussion and contract signing

The onboarding process at Checkmk GmbH

  • Pre Boarding

    You will get an onboarding mail to ensure that you will have a smooth start in your new position

  • 1st day

    On your first day you will learn how life is at Checkmk, the organization and get your technical system running

  • 1st month

    Within your first month you will meet all teams and managers at Checkmk to create a good network

  • First 6 months

    During the trial period you will have regular feedback session to ensure a good onboarding and to manage expectations from both sides

Explore open positions at Checkmk

We count on smart and innovative people who can help our customers become more secure and resilient.