Sources Download
Here you can download the original source files of Checkmk which only contain the source code of Checkmk itself, MK Livestatus, Web GUI and the Event Console (mkeventd).
We highly recommend using Checkmk only in combination with OMD. Therefore, please refer to the downloads named 'Complete source code of Checkmk with OMD'.
You can also find the stand-alone source code of Checkmk here. These downloads are typically only relevant for you if you:
- are a package maintainer
- use Checkmk in some kind of special environment
If you are a common user of Checkmk we recommend to use the download page.
Latest versions
Checkmk 2.2.0p37 | (The changes of this version are listed in the Werks) |
check-mk-raw-2.2.0p37.cre.tar.gz | Complete source code of Checkmk with OMD |
Checkmk 2.1.0p49 | (The changes of this version are listed in the Werks) |
check-mk-raw-2.1.0p49.cre.tar.gz | Complete source code of Checkmk with OMD |
Checkmk 2.0.0p39 | (The changes of this version are listed in the Werks) |
check-mk-raw-2.0.0p39.cre.tar.gz | Complete source code of Checkmk with OMD |
Checkmk 1.6.0p30 | (The changes of this version are listed in the Werks) |
check-mk-raw-1.6.0p30.cre.tar.gz | Complete source code of Checkmk with OMD |
Checkmk 2.3.0p24 | (The changes of this version are listed in the Werks) |
check-mk-raw-2.3.0p24.cre.tar.gz | Complete source code of Checkmk with OMD |
Previous versions
1 We do not recommend to use Checkmk without OMD. Please use the package with OMD.
Note (I): All packages are platform independent. The source codes are only contained in the complete tarball.
Note (II): We do not provide the agent installers and packages as dedicated downloads anymore, but they are packed in the complete tarball. Users of OMD can find the all agents, agent installers and plugins below the path share/check_mk/agents
. If you are using our subscription builds, you can download the agents from the Agent Bakery.
Note (III): To be able to compile Livestatus, you need at least GCC 5 or clang 3.4. On most distributions these compilers are available from addon repositories or third party sources.
Public Git
Checkmk is also available via our public GIT repository. You can create your local clone with:
IMPORTANT: Always read the Migration Notes before updating Checkmk. It will inform you about manual actions that may be required.