Checkmk Synthetic Monitoring
Enhance the availability and reliability of your business-critical applications with Checkmk Synthetic Monitoring. This add-on enables monitoring from the perspective of your end-users regarding:
- Availability – Is your webshop accessible?
- Performance – Is the application running smoothly?
- Functionality – Can users place orders?
It helps to ensure an ideal user experience for your services and products. Detect and rectify frustrations, obstacles, and disruptions for your customers, and improve their satisfaction.
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Ready for every use case
Checkmk Synthetic Monitoring relies on the leading open-source tool Robot Framework for test automation. The proven Checkmk add-on Robotmk, significantly expanded in Checkmk 2.3, ensures seamless integration and extremely flexible evaluation of test results. Even individuals without in-depth knowledge can cover a wide range of use cases. With the help of Robot Framework, the simple things are kept simple, the complex things are possible.
- Desktop applications: Monitor every desktop application from internal networks using image pattern recognition or directly via Win32 APIs.
- Web applications: Monitor both internal and external web applications with Selenium or Playwright.
- Special cases: The monitoring possibilities are limitless, thanks to the library concept of Robot Framework. Special use cases can also be covered using the Python API with custom keywords.
Reactive and proactive monitoring - in one platform
Checkmk Synthetic Monitoring allows you to combine infrastructure and synthetic monitoring within a single solution. Enhance your monitoring with insights into the user's perspective:
- Monitor every client on any platform.
- Proactively detect even the slightest performance deviations.
- Test user interfaces in any browser, on any mobile device, and operating system.
- Test every application: from native Windows applications to modern web apps.
A powerful synthetic monitoring tool
Based on the strengths of the Robot Framework, Robotmk extends Checkmk by synthetic monitoring capabilities and is seamlessly integrated into the Checkmk interface.
- Full compatibility with the leading test automation tool, Robot Framework.
- Powerful configuration options – thanks to the flexible Checkmk rule set.
- Robotmk Scheduler for the parallel execution of test suites.
- Automated provisioning of the Python environment, thanks to the open-source tool RCC.
- Robotmk provides complete control over test parameters, directly from Checkmk.
- User-friendly test reports that also include screenshots.