Linux - Crash course for admins [German]
One week and everything included - that is the vision of this newly designed Linux seminar for prospective administrators. The seminar is self-contained and complete and covers all topics that are of interest for the administration of a server.
The selection of topics deliberately excludes typical desktop topics such as the graphical user interface, KDE and GNOME and instead covers network topics including NFS, SAMBA and Apache configuration and administration with SSH. Thus the participants learn not only basic knowledge, but know afterwards also, how they use Linux for the most important applications practically. All topics covered in the training are basically independent of a specific Linux distribution and apply equally to SuSE, Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu and other distributions - even if the lecturer occasionally addresses special features of one or the other distribution when necessary.

- Knowledge of all important and common commands and configuration files
- Understanding of the boot process and possible restart
- Ability to administrate Linux system on command line independent of the used distribution
- Ability to integrate Linux system into a network
- Ability to find and eliminate errors in a targeted manner
- Ability to configure and operate file services NFS, Samba and Apache
- Ability to administer Linux systems remotely via SSH - even from Windows
Course content
- Very brief outline of the history of Linux
- What makes Linux an operating system?
- Login on the command line
The command line
- General structure of a command line
- Tips and tricks for comfortable editing in the command line
- Save time by selectively fetching previous commands
- Automatic completion of commands and file names
- Calling online help:
Files and directories
- Structure of file and path names under Linux
- List, create and remove directories
- Create and delete files
- Copy, move and rename files
- Use file jokers (
) - The meaning of various special characters
- Symbolic links (What is this? The command
Text files
- Display text files comfortably with
- Compare text files with
- Editing with the Emacs-like text editor
- Editing with the classic Unix editor
Search and find
- Search texts in files with
- Search files by name and other attributes with
- The Linux directory structure
- The file system standard FHS (what is where?)
Input/output redirection, filters, pipes
- How do pipes work (classic Unix method of linking commands)
- smart tricks, what you can do with pipes
- Link commands by command substitution (e.g. automatically insert a date into a file name)
Data backup with tar and gzip
- Pack directories with the standard archive format
- Compressing archives and single files with
Users, groups and permissions
- Concept of users and groups under Linux
- Commands for managing users and groups (
, etc.) - File attributes and permission on files
Hard drives, partitions and file systems
- How Linux manages devices (files in
) - Partition hard drives with
- File systems under Linux (
, Windows file systems etc.) - Commands for managing file systems (view, format, space consumption, etc.)
- The file
- How Linux manages processes
- Show processes with
- Killing processes with
- Start and manage background processes (job control of BASH)
Boot process and cron
- The boot process of Linux in detail
- How to customize the boot process
- Starting and stopping system services
- Execute periodic tasks automatically using
Network basics
- Ethernet and LAN under Linux
- Setting up network cards
- Ethernet diagnostics
- Setting up IP addresses
Routing under Linux
- Routing diagnostics, the modern command
ip route
- Diagnosis of routing problems with
and other methods - Name resolution: the files
NFS server and client
- Basics of NFS, the Network File System
- Sharing directories
- Mount NFS shares of other computers
- Error diagnosis of NFS
SSH - SecureShell
- Secure and high-performance remote login
- Copy files via SSH
- Execute commands on Linux computers automatically via SSH without entering a password
SAMBA server and client
- Basics of SAMBA, the system that allows Linux to be integrated into a Windows network
- Setting up a SAMBA server that shares directories for Windows
- Anonymous read access without passwords
- Browsing (search and find computers and shares)
- access to Windows shares from Linux
Der WWW server Apache
- Basics of Apache and the WWW and HTTP
- Setting up fully functional Apache web server
- global configuration options
- Configure and evaluate error and access logs
Language: German
Length: 5 days
Minimum no. of attendees: 3
Target audience: All who (want to) work with Linux
- Requirements: Networking basics, some OS know-how